Debt collection

We have a long and extensive experience collecting debts to individuals and companies as well. For more than 40 years we have been performing and managing the massive collection of debts originated in the public use of phonographic sounds for our client AADI- CAPIF all over the country.

Also, through extrajudicial and judicial campaigns that we have carried out for our BSA client, and others from the technological field, we have massively recovered credits for unpaid use licenses, recovering sums of true consideration.

After so many years, we have well-trained human resources in portfolio management and we have developed routines that allow us to accelerate the collection process through extrajudicial activity, using few resources and optimizing times.

When extrajudicial procedures do not allow us to achieve compliance within the time limit set, we immediately promote the actions of the case, when the client so requires. We believe that especially in the current period of great volatility in business, proceeding promptly ensures the result.

Would you like to know more about collections or our Litigation Department, please contact María Isabel Millé at